A positive mind will not only get someone closer to his or her dreams but more than that, a positive mind can create happiness in living our life. Why is say so? Because a person who has a positive mind, he or she also has an ability to face unwanted matters by doing something positive. Many scientists use positive thinking and optimism to health where the result of the experiment shows that someone who think positive and has optimism will live longer and healthier. The result also pay attention to someone strength who think positive and has optimism inside that he or she will have more ability to face stress and he or she is avoided from depression.
Increasing the power of mind has the great health benefit which creates positive effect for many life aspects without including some medicine recipes. A person whose soul and mind is healthy will always be able to change the way he or she thinks from negative thinking becomes positive thinking. If someone thinks negative, it will give the negative effect and changes also. But if we think positive, we will have positive changes also.
The basic difference between a person whose physic and soul is sick and a person whose physic and soul is healthy is that a healthy person has positive thought and behavior. He or she will always focus on every chance and not focus on his or her weakness. He or she will think about how to handle, face and solve his or her problems and not focus on the problems itself. A person who likes to think and act negative will always focus on his or her weakness and not focus on chance that he or she actually has. He or she prefers to look for problems than solving the problems. You don’t need to continually think about what has happened and all the weaknesses and mistakes that you have because it will be obstacles for you to think positive and it will give a burden for your mind.
A negative spoken, mind and habit are diseases, something that isn’t healthy. What we sow is what we get. If we do something positive, we will get all positive things. But if we do many negative things, we will get many negative things also. Think negative will bring you into the dead end because negative thinking fulfills our brain with worry, curiosity, and unbelief and finally we do something without any basics, considerations and thoughts. Everything will seem bad for they who think negative. What you said and what you did is your mind manifestation and it is such a loss for them who always plant something that can endanger their own self.
Someone has to throw away the negative emotion. The forms of negative emotions are avenge, fear, anger, hatred, pessimist and many more. Don’t let these negative emotions take control of your life because the effect is totally bad. Avenge and hatred fire will destroy your good relationship with others. Anger and egoist will also destroy your relationship with others. Someone will not live happily if he or she still hates others and too proud about himself or herself.
Dr. Guy A Pettit in his article Forgiveness and Health, stated that anger can affect to stress and nerves can be tighter. As the effect, you will feel pain in your neck, back and arm. And it also disturbs the blood circulation to heart and others body organs so that oxygen and nutrition in cell decreases. It will also disturb digestion and breathtaking system. Beside of that, body immune will be weakened so that body will easily infected by many diseases. Anger mentally has the bad effect to the soul because when someone is angry, he or she cannot control himself or herself.
More than that, many scientists stated that anger can cause the sudden dead if it reaches the specific rank. Because of that, don’t let the anger takes control your life.[]