Smart at managing various intelligence will make someone’s life get easier. He or she has talent in intellectual, emotional stability, live with spiritual strength and he or she has others talents and skills. Someone who has a good personality is someone who can manage his or her various intelligence. All the intelligence supports each other. We can deny that everyone has their special intelligence that more than others. Some intelligence is more than other intelligence. But we have to try to manage various intelligence well so that we wil have a better life.
First, IQ (Intelectual Quotient). IQ is related to experience, skill, knowledge and many things that related to intellectual intelligence. But IQ cannot stand alone. IQ has to be supported by others intelligence. An experiment in USA and Japan proves that from 100% successful people, there will only 10-20% who has high education, has complete certificate and absolutely with IQ that more than its standard.
More of it, 80-90% of them only graduated from Senior Highs School, Junior High School and even they have no education background. It proves that IQ is not everything.
Second, EQ (Emotional Quotient). Daniel Golman stated a EQ conception as an answer to human dissatisfaction if he or she is considered as mentality structure only. EQ concept gives space for other dimension in someone unique personality that is called emotional. Emotional takes an important role in life survival. Skill in sharpen and manage emotional is absolutely needed.
Third, SQ (Spiritual Quotient). Spiritual intelligence can optimize other intelligence works. Someone who has high SQ meaningfulness can lean his or her soul based on meaning that he or she got, and from that point he or she can have serenity.
Fourth, Execution Quotient (Execution Quotient) that is introduced by Stephen R. Covey. Execution intelligence is not only conquering and placing fear but it also takes some steps and makes decision in order to make a plan becomes reality.
Fifth, AQ (Adversity Quotient). AQ is introduced by Paul Gordon Stoltd. It is someone ability or intelligence to defend in facing many difficulties and challenges in life.
Sixth, compound intelligence. Professor Dr. Howard Gardner stated that human compound intelligence contains of mathematical intelligence, linguistic, special, kinesthetic, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and natural intelligence.
Seventh, financial intelligence (financial quotient) that is introduced by Robert T. Kiyosaki. Financial intelligence is an ability to understand, create and practice the system or way in accumulating an asset. Financial intelligence is absolutely needed to support human life survival. []