Man must work to meet their needs in order to survive. That is, there are people who actually work to meet the needs alone and also work as a means to search for happiness and pleasure. OP.Sharma (2008) says that there are two factors that determine a person's behavior in response to a job. First, the workload. When the work is considered and used as a load then give depth to someone does not like his job because he was forced to do the work as. Seberapun strong a person will never be able to work like a machine. Second, the ability of the person concerned.
Not a few people who feel terbebai by its activities. We felt pressured by our works especially when we work with others. Relating to enjoy the work, OP.Sharma said that based on the work ethic, the people are divided into two groups: first, those who want to work. In this case, people who want to work no longer needs the help of motivation and encouragement from outside himself because he was able to create the motivation from within him. Second, people who are forced to work. People who are forced to work are the ones who are lazy and he was unable to work properly so do not be surprised if their job performance is not well characterized by the frequent warnings from superiors.
Sharma added, in a true pleasure to work will not be felt if a job is only intended to seek purely material success. Money is important in meeting the needs of life. However, hone a skill is much more important than mere survival. Laziness is a bad attitude and we have to get rid of. A true pleasure to work will not be felt by a person if the job is only intended to seek material success alone.
People who work sincerely would like to have an incredible patience. He will not be satisfied if only produce something of low quality. Although such an attitude will make it repeat of the early work for the improvement of quality, he never felt burdened or annoyed. Those who like it will work really good quality.
In addition, job well done will bring satisfaction to someone. However, proficiency in work can not be obtained in just a few enterprises. Someone must have a broad view, great patience and careful planning in order to become proficient. If these things are ignored then someone has a great opportunity to experience frustration in the job.
Love your vocation. Every now and try not to complain. You have to believe that the love of the work will make the job will feel lighter and dissolution was so we even lost track of time as well as the completion of the work without any burden. You will keep the spirit of your work. Through the work is exactly you will channel all your abilities. Try to get a job does not make you become monotonous. Maybe you can channel your hobbies so that tension and fatigue caused by work can be minimized.
Whatever your job position and when guided by a sense of love and do it wholeheartedly and to fight for your job then the job will not bring happiness that you expect him. Your love of the work will bring prosperity to your life and have created opportunities free of financial affairs. Quite often people who love their work are able to make new breakthroughs that are useful for the progress of where he worked. Love your work wholeheartedly then your life will feel more comfortable.[]