Tips 22 : Learn enthusiastically

Improve your knowledge so you won’t be left behind by time. If you have lack of knowledge, you won’t be able to adapt with your environment. Should smoothly go through life with science, studying tirelessly, not knowing the time. People who are not knowledgeable because of not loving science will get the difficulties of life. Life takes science and without science we can live a good life. For knowledgeable, not enough with one study alone. Science is to be sought throughout life because the more we learn then we will realize that there are many things we do not know. Likewise, learning is not enough in formal educational institutions such as schools. But we can also learn from nature.

With the knowledge that a person is able to distinguish between right and wrong with the useful to that harm. Science is not only able to prosper in the world of human life but also bring a man and God.

Man to be glorified because of his wits. Any religion encourages followers to seek knowledge as much as possible and even encouraged lifelong learning. This means that science is something that is essential for the human beings in this life. Likewise, ignorance is a state that is condemned. Ignorance that is in the absence of science. Science is a connecting road and the junction between human faith and practice. Humans by nature are the perfect man therefore do not ruin it with stupidity aka perfection idle mind.

There are people who have knowledge but no action. This is the type of human loss due to human science it has no meaning. Those who belong to this group is only concerned with studying as much as possible but none of the science being practiced. Knowledge without action means something. Is not science that sought to put into practice? So do not be surprised if there are people who say do not look at someone of how much knowledge they have. However, judge a person by how much action he had done.

In addition, there are also people who act without knowledge. Do whatever it thinks is right or emulate what is done by the people around him without knowing for certain the truth. These people will lose money and experience the despair in their lives because they do not live up to what he believes is the truth. He just followed without foundation.[]