Tips 19 : Be smart in choosing friends

Having many friends is something fun. Moreover, decorated with a harmonious relationship and supported by a common vision and mission. Life would be wonderful. The work will be lighter because hand in hand. Sadly turned into laughter because of the presence of a faithful friend to share in the joy and sorrow. But sometimes the beauty of a relationship is not as we expected. It is commonplace human mind has a colorful whim.

Unity turn into hostility if not maintained properly. At one time one of us sometimes accidentally eject the words that hurt others. Thus, there is no relationship runs smoothly. The beauty of friendship is always piqued koleh we as ordinary human negligence. Either that we sometimes seem selfish or do not pay attention to friends and so on.

Diverse human nature demands that we are required to carefully hang out and pick friends because consciously or unconsciously influence the environment in shaping one's personality. If we associate with people who do not really like like committing a crime then sooner or later we will be infected by evil virus. Rarely do we find men who despite living in freshwater saltwater.

Early on we had to choose a good environment. Make friends with people who can support you is not your friend who likes to drop the alias enemies in a blanket or friends who like to eat the plant fence. There ought to be some things that often derail an intimate relationship are:

First, abuse of trust or betrayal. This type of person can not hold the mandate. When a friend tells him and entrust big problem menyanggupinya and said he would keep it well-good.But he abused the trust given.

Second, utilizing and mastering like a friend. People like this sweet and clever seducing her mouth. He has a high power to master the art of others in a way that is not recognized by others. On behalf of the friendship he asked it to his friend in an arresting way. Sometimes he comes to his friend if there needs to be. When he was gone kepepetnya away from his friend.

Third, selfish. People who like this more selfish. He be indifferent to his situation after he gets his will. Do as he pleases and pleases her home happy and fulfilled wishes.

Fourth, excessive demands to a friend. He tends to order someone else to do it like this, it is appropriate that this work expected. If the friend does not want to do as he said he would nag, scold even blame her.

Be careful in choosing friends. Do not let one choose you into a trap especially friends who turned out to manipulate you to achieve his ambition. Your life is determined by your friends and your environment. So, find a friend who can support each other to get ahead.[]