No need to pay expensive to dream, you are not required to expend a lot of energy to dream. If the situation is so then there is no reason for you to have a dream. Only lazy people who do not want to improve the quality of life that is reluctant to dream. Dreaming is meant here is not the dream known as the flower beds, which when waking dreams vanished from memory. The dream in question here is a dream that was deliberately created to translate into reality.
Brian Tracy says that all successful people men and women are big dreamers. They envision the future they would like, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant dream, that is the purpose or goal.
In essence there are 3 kinds of people in this world that people are afraid to dream, those who dare to dream alone and those who dare to dream and brave happen.
The first type are those who are afraid to dream are the ones who idak dare to aspire or create hope for a better life which. He's just living life as it is without the desire to become a better person.
The second type are those who dare to dream alone. Her dreams are countless as the stars in the sky but none have materialized because he did not perform any action to make it real. These are people who dare to accumulate just a beautiful dream but dreams stay dreams. Entertainment only and no more than wishful thinking.
The third type is those who dare to dream but also dare to realize his dream. He fights for everything he aspired it to be true. He will not give up before getting it. People who are able to account for his dreams. Dare to dream it was good but without action is useless and empty. This is the true type of the dreamer.
Everyone like a good situation any poor, ignorant, flawed, naughty and so are entitled to have high dreams and trying to realize his dream. Dreams also does not belong to a particular person. There is no term dream to become a person only for B. One thing that is clear is that everyone is not entitled to regulate whether a person should have a dream.
Not just a dream but trying to make it a reality. This is the right attitude to be done by someone. Problem whether or not the dream is achieved is a matter for later, you are optimistic that important to improve your quality of life. Do not also let your dreams turn into wishful thinking because you only dare to dream and dare not trying to get it. Do not waste your energy just to think and talk a lot about it but this is not accompanied by actions that demonstrate your seriousness.[]