Tips 10 : Learn to love simplicity


Everyone loves and admires a simple person. Simplicity is identical to not over act in everything and it doesn’t like to be proud. Even though he or she has some strength more than anyone but he or she is still humble. He or she is not proud to every strength that he or she has and he or she doesn’t like to show off his or her strength to others. Simplicity is also related to other good characteristics, for example: give thanks, not wasteful and humble. A simple person doesn’t like to over act. Even though he or she has many luxurious facilities, he or she only uses it necessary. A simple man will also be humble. Even though he or she has much strength in many things, he or she won’t show off his or her strength except in specific situation.

The contrary of a simple man is a wasteful person. Wasteful is not only in over using the finance but also wasteful relates to someone’s act. Simplicity in economy related to need and want concept. Understanding in both concept will make someone can control all his or her activity and need. As a human, we cannot easily satisfy with the result that we achieved in order to improve ourselves. But, dissatisfaction will be focus on limitless desire and wish that can cause someone being greedy, it is not a good thing because it will destroy his or her life. 

Being a simple man doesn’t mean to live in many limitations and poverty because simplicity is not identical with poverty. Simple life concept doesn’t make us not try to do some efforts to be a person who live in peace. Simple life is a meaningful, regular and under control life. Simple life isn’t a life that make you are considered to be a weak person so that you will be shy because of your condition. Simplicity is not a form of force in order to make others give us mercy. Simple life is a life lesson and it is not a strategy to achieve specific purpose.

Many people are happy and proud with his or her simple life circle but there are some of people who have lack of confidence because of their simplicity. All that behaviors depend on how we learn about the meaning of real life. You need to understand that a simple life is not the poor style but history stated that many billionaires in the world have a simple life and they don’t have luxurious style. One of them is Albert Nobel, he is the owner of more than 300 firm rights or license. He is very wealthy but the most unique thing is he doesn’t inherit his wealth to his children but he spends his wealth for improving knowledge. 

Warren Buffet is also one of many billionaires in the world. Fobes magazine (August 2008) stated that he is the richest person in the world with his wealth that costs 62 billions US.  Warren has a simple life principle. He still lived in a simple house which has 3 rooms and he lived there since he has married in 1959. Even though it is not a luxurious house but he said that house made him have everything. He reminds us not to trapped by temporary behavior, for example we always want to show off that we are rich or we are proud even though our pocket is empty. 

Simplicity is a medium life behavior, not too much but not too few. A simple man has deep understanding about life essential those are hard work, discipline and care about others that need our help. Simplicity will not only make us live in peace but it also keep us away from taking others’ rights. Simple life circle also make citizens live safely because there will be no greedy person who takes others’ own without some official requirements. []