The fastest and most effective way to move on is very necessary for those of you who are currently still being haunted by your ex. Being able to forget exes, crushes, and people we love but disappoint us is sometimes considered difficult. It's difficult because it deals with feelings and hearts that are not easy to control. Moreover, moving on from PHP or people who only give false hope. It's like making an approach but it turns out there is no sincerity at all and it's just unrequited love.
When injured and experiencing serious relationship problems, people generally do many things, such as looking for inspiration for words of wisdom to quickly move on from Mario Teguh, some even confide in ustazd. The problem of how to get rid of feelings of love for someone is not like turning the palm of your hand. Moreover, if your ex is a co-worker at the office or a classmate taking college, the feelings will become even more intense.
The issue of recovering from a relationship that has ended is not only a task that is felt by women but also by men. Apart from requiring energy, creativity and emotional management, starting a new life and breaking away from your ex definitely takes time. Although in general, it is said that forgetting an ex is not easy and takes a long time, but it is not uncommon for people to succeed in a short time. So, in this post I want to share the fastest and most effective way to move on for those of you who still find it difficult to "forget" your ex.
Why You Have to Move On from Heartbreak and Be Happy After Breaking Up
Moving on is rising from adversity in love or rising from heartbreak. How to start overcoming disappointment in a relationship or situation and then start a new day full of enthusiasm. Heartbreak in Islam is something that naturally occurs. Every human being is gifted with a heart that is naturally colorful, including happiness, sadness, joy, disappointment and other situations. However, heartbreak due to breakup does not mean life is over.
Disappointment and failure are just one of the smallest parts of life's journey which over time will give way to new stories. Before understanding the fastest and most effective way to move on, let's remember the reasons why we have to move on from disappointment and hurt:
1. Love is the connection of two souls
You may often hear that ribs will never be swapped. That's how it is, when someone leaves, maybe they are not the ribs. It's sad but believe me there will be times to be happy. Life is round, you will not fall out of love forever but you will find the right love at the right time.
Forcing our will will only damage our own lives and the lives of others. It's really unpleasant if someone becomes our partner just because they have to. Why stay with someone whose soul is no longer with us? It's better to be with someone who loves us wholeheartedly in the future. Love is goodness and does not cause harm. There is no need to maintain a relationship that has ended where one party no longer wants to survive. This relationship was formed on the initiative of two parties, fully willing to each other.
2. Life still has a long way to go
Of course, it is very detrimental to give time and energy to mourn the failure of a relationship. It's okay to be heartbroken but you don't have to give up your life, right? Try to remember from childhood the journey of life with your parents and the struggle to achieve your dreams. Will everything just disappear just because the relationship failed? Heartbreak means the beginning of finding love again. A failed relationship means opening the curtain to having a successful relationship in the future.
SINCERITY: Medicine for Heartache According to Islam
The medicine for breaking up love, the fastest and most effective way to move on in Islam is sincerity. Overcoming heartbreak is with the heart too. The reason why you can't find a way to move on quickly from your ex is because you can't accept the situation, you're not sincere. Or the heart has been possessed by a high sense of selfishness. The essence of love is pure and does not hurt.
If when people hurt us then we can't accept it, what kind of love do we have? Signs that your heart cannot accept being left by your ex or the end of the relationship are:
1. Thinking about how to take revenge on your ex or PHP man.
2. Looking for mistakes and magnifying them. When we don't accept someone's treatment, we often protect ourselves by pointing out people's mistakes. However, this will not make you happy at all, in fact it will make it even more difficult to leave because it is constantly mentioned.
3. Mention the good things you have done for your ex and compare it with the pain he or she has caused. This action is tantamount to maintaining feelings of hurt/disappointment in the long term which will cause psychological and physical illness in oneself.
4. Inflame or make your ex jealous by suddenly becoming intimate with someone new.
5. Still curious and peeking at your ex all the time.
Breaking up love does cause wounds, how to get rid of the pain of breaking up is the remaining homework for the party who feels hurt. Every disease has a cure, if the cure is found then the disease will be cured. Is there a quick way to move on after breaking up and the most effective way to move on? Yes, if you can do it.
The most effective way for moving on is to ACCEPT. Well, this is also not easy and feels the hardest. Is it okay to just forgive people who hurt us, an ex who left by being betrayed or an ex who we still love? Did you know, friend, the best way to heal a sick heart is to do good to the person who hurt you and the way to do good is to be SINCERE.
Even though you have deleted your number and friendships on social media, thrown away all your gifts, deleted all your memorable photos, taken medicine, vented every day, if your heart is not SINCERE then whatever you do will be in vain. Even if you go to the ends of the world to forget, you won't be able to if you don't see it with your heart. Believe me, it doesn't take much theory to move on. Just try to be sincere and forgive, feel the changes that occur.
If you are SINCERE, then you will no longer accuse or badmouth your ex for any crimes or actions against us. Sincerity is forgiveness and relying on God's provisions or will.
Maybe God has a plan to save us for a better partner in the future. Good according to us is not necessarily good according to Him. What does a sincere heart look like?
1. Don't feel sorry for yourself and don't think of yourself as a victim
People who are hurt are sometimes like the most unfortunate people in the world. Having the most unlucky or bad luck so that he becomes weak. Listen to heartbroken songs or talk here and there about your feelings. Did you know, friends, the more often you talk about your broken heart, the more it will sink into that situation. On the other hand, the more you try not to talk about it, the faster the painful heart affair will fade.
2. There is no longer any heartache seeing your ex happy
Never mind, there is no point at all in avenging pain because it is just throwing away our lives. Our duty on earth as caliphs is to be people who spread goodness and benefits. Everyone has the right to be happy with their choices. If our hearts are clean from heart disease, then we will allow people to achieve their own happiness. Just wish him the best in his life and pray for ourselves to get better.
3. Life is positive and full of gratitude again
A sincere heart will find it easier to move on. Sincerely, the ex will disappear from memory by itself. With sincerity, the pain begins to slowly erode. With sincerity, a happy future is before our eyes. Sincerity erases feelings of disappointment and replaces them with feelings of calm, gratitude and optimism. There is no better remedy for breaking up love than sincerity, wish him the best then all burdens will disappear.
To achieve this sincerity requires effort with clarity of heart, free from selfishness. Therefore, the first thing to do is try to put our personal ego aside. After that, strengthen it with confidence and closeness to Allah. This secret and the best way to move on can be used in all life situations, including rising from adversity, debt, failure and others.
So, that's the fastest and most effective way to move on based on my experience. After a breakup, what should you do? Lots. Starting from loving and caring for the body entrusted by God. Reclaim a dream that was once postponed, allocate lots of time for your parents or take up a hobby that you really want to do. Express yourself and make your soul full of enthusiasm again. Isn't love for a partner or the opposite sex just one part of love? Love for humans is a test, without it life will not end.
Don't betray Allah who gave you love from the womb until now with perfect body parts, parental love, price and the pleasure of breathing that cannot be bought. Don't let your love for the Almighty be defeated just because of the love of a human child who doesn't make you the choice of his heart. Rest assured, a heart full of love will meet a heart full of love too. A heart without a trace of betrayal, revenge or other bad qualities. []